I Know I Can (IKIC) was founded in 1988 as a result of the foresight, dedication and generosity of community and civic leaders who believed that no child should be denied a college education simply because they could not afford it. It is the only college access program in Columbus, and one of the largest and most successful in the nation. Since its beginning, I Know I Can has made higher education a reality for tens of thousands of Columbus City Schools students who dreamed of a college education and worked hard to get it.
Our Mission:
… is “to inspire, enable and support Columbus City Schools students in pursuing and completing a college education.”
Our Plan:
• TO INSPIRE CCS students to make college a part of their future by providing them with knowledge about the benefits of post-secondary education.
• TO ENABLE CCS graduates with I Know I Can Grant assistance and leveraging additional financial assistance.
• TO SUPPORT CCS graduates once in college with support services to help ensure degree completion.
Learn more at www.IknowIcan.org.